
Bad YouTube Ad, Bad!


I’m going to break a record today,

it’s how many times can I refresh a page,

to avoid those six, fifteen or thirty second hymns,

authored by the greedy, who live for sin!


I try to open one of those “tingle videos”, 

some ASMR to relax,

but as I do; the ad comes on,

the cunts want to sell me Pepsi Max,

and an array of things, that are irrelevant to me,

such as Canesten, L’Oréal, to this “dude” you see,

if not that, then their roulette wheels spin,

making a mockery, as it’s them that always win,

listen, the “horse game” for me, is a thing of the past,

so, can BetFred and Paddy Power, get off my ass?


Thus, this tells me, that they truly do not know,

but what they do, they make, to annoy me so,

bar, before you say it, I know there’s commercial aid,

for those creators, where the actual content is made,

it’s just, the rate these trailers come, is where my complaint is,

as they ensure, when it comes to avarice, we remain the repentless!


Honestly, a paper, a radio, a billboard and TV,

already comprise an out of control thing,

where billable minutes, are counted in millions,

turning us, in to hoarder/waster villains,

hence, pieces of shit, become part of the day,

where we laugh and cry, but in all, we pay!


Finally, she comes on, pretending to cut my hair,

after nineteen refreshes, that my finger bared,

I need these sounds; to ensure that I drift away,

but I hope there’s no loud interrupting ad, I pray,  

as they’re already loaded, but they always want more,

just look at us, rolling around, upon a broken floor,

that for us; is so brief, so can we please open a door?

To a place, where love means love, not a financial transaction,

to birth some decency, in our fraught mortal faction!