
Living with the Devil

During the hard times we were living, she found a mate.

Nothing good came from him but just raging hate.

Physically he would punch, kick and strangle

and Mentally he instilled fear from every angle.

Then came the nights he would be all drunk and  daring

he would try to get sexual without any caring.

As long as I could breathe I would fight him back

I wasn\'t afraid anymore so this made him crack.

He would try to get our mother turned against us,

and sadly out of her fear she would break all our trust.

It was us against him, we would need to defend

as our mother did not protect us in the end.

Being just a child myself at the age of eleven,

I would do as I could if it meant going to heaven.

As I was not afraid I was no longer wanted by him

so he threatened our mother to toss us aside.

So at twelve I was homeless No longer wanted 

I was the reason he could  not rape and taunt.

He would now try with my sisters but they were taught well

if he tries to come near you Fight like hell , scream and Yell.

We called the police to help us with him,

but they needed our mother to press charges and win.

So would not do anything to leave him for us.

Her fear of a beat down led to us showing disgust.

I swore one day to put a stop to this style of life,

as I now held protection with my pocket knife.

One day as I was visiting he expected me to Babysit

the child they had together but I refused it.

So I got a beat down and I didn\'t fight back,

Now the laws  were different and I was on track.

When he was done I stood up and told him we was done,

This time I was pressing charges and he took off in a run.

Finally his days of beating and abuse would end.

And I no longer needed to hide and defend.

I was wrong again as our mother defended him

She claimed to be in Love with him from within.

So from the fighting I did to defend myself and siblings

was tossed aside by her delusions of her kind of love.

We didn\'t matter and we were in her way

we were simply a source of income if we stayed.

She sold our souls to the Devil she married 

and the beatings and abuse is what it carried.

One by one we left her to get away from this hell

we moved on to better lives and wished her well.

After we were gone and he had no more children to molest

he Left Her for another women with children in her nest.

Then shortly later he got Cancer and died.

and no-one cared not a tear was cried.

Now we are all grown with children of our own.

Holding them and protecting our home.

We promised our children they would be forever protected.

No-one could ever hurt them cause we had the strength.