

Words once uttered can never be taken back,

Whether spoken, written in praise, jest or vocal attack,

Slander attack is a moral low and can remain unseen,

Nowadays most often read and shared on a computer screen,


Social media is all in vogue, group networks are oft the conveyance,

Where the influencer and writer post comments of their stance,

To opine or redirect, perhaps misguide or lead the sheep,

And agitate or stir, their agenda to keep.


Harmful deeds, influenced by words, once enacted can not be taken back,

Whether from malice or bias, it’s a character attack,

Inflicted upon societies young and old, gender, color and race,

These blights on our citizens are all too common place.


Laws say this must not happen but in truth it is not so,

Enforcement lags and public education is slow,

Acceptance and tolerance abroad in society is far from achieved,

Familiarity and inclusivity are affirmative actions much in need,


Unwise words once written, can oft be erased,

Unwise words once spoken can never be changed.

Efforts to erase the harm ends up in vain,

The lingering hurt will forever remain