Black hole


I want to be alive
To feel the touch of the world
To hear all the melodies that birds sing
To crawl into the grass, feel all the flowers
To see
Things like me
Things that make life beautiful 

I want to hear all the voices that people uses
Happy noises, laugher, things that make you smile
Reasons to be alive
But if this is the melody, it\'s not real
It\'s a tale, that never can be broken
A tale that grabs the world like a octopus
Everyone wants to kill it
But it\'s immortal 
It can\'t be killed no mather what

It all gives darkness in this world
Darkness that hides everyones smiles, it hides the reasons to want to live
People ignore the darkness
Wants to see only the things they want to see
Things that sometimes aren\'t real
The reality is, darkness is a part of life
A part that makes us life, we can\'t breath without it
The tale can\'t be unbroken
The only things that we can do is to live with it
Accept that we need that oxygen

But what if the only thing that make us happy is the tale?
Is happiness above reality? 
If it\'s yes than live your life
But don\'t forget that you aren\'t living in the real world
You are living in a different dimension
A dimension that only lives in your head

Acceptance is the only way to live in the reality
You need to accept that life isn\'t a tale
You can do whatever is in your power
But it\'s still a tale
Tale is a part of reality itself
The octopus will always be there
Whether we like it or not