kitty the naughty poet

Playing with rope

Fibres cling to kitty\'s flesh

as Daddy wraps the rope around her ankle

securing with a knot, moving it to her opposite thigh

kitten relaxes now against her seat taking a breath

she had been waiting for this all week


Twisted strands intertwining within itself

tighter than the knot at her ankle

slipping the rope around kitten\'s leg

five times in all, climbing upwards

pulling tighter around the top than the bottom


Kitty purred in Daddy\'s ear,

not words, more like a little moan

knotting down in sweet little pulls,

Daddy pulled it round to the other side

and did it all again, weaving in the end


Bliss spreads throughout kittens body

like the sparkling sun after a storm

grasping kitty\'s arm next, Daddy wrapped again

tying then weaving till he reached her fingers

finishing up Daddy shifting behind his kitten


Allowing her to lie on him

ecstasy travelled to all her limbs

this was definitely kittens favourite place to be

under her Daddy\'s watchful gaze

safely secured in his beautiful bounds