
Propitiation Provided

Tune: Leibster Jesu

(\'Dearest Jesu, we are here\')

1 John 2 v.1-3


* propitiation - appeasing, atoning, turning away wrath of a god or God.


John does write, that we not sin

But if we sin, do look herein

See, we have an Advocate

Jesus Christ, He cares for our state

He to the Father represents

Us, and bears our guilty sentence


For He the righteous one, He

Stands in our place for our sins, see

He the propitiation

Atoning one for each nation

Not only for one here and there

But the whole world\'s sin He did bear


He reconciles us, forgives

Salvation unto us He gives

And hereby we do know so

That we know Him and in Him grow

\'Tis by keeping His commandments

Strengthened with the Spirit\'s presence