Black hole


Life is like a train
A train that never stops until it hits his finish point
Rushing through a beautiful landscape
Sometimes the days last longer than other days
A day without a night
And sometimes days with only nights, what mostly happens in a row

Some places are nicer to be left aside
And some places you want it to be forever
But the train can\'t stop driving
Only if you push the stop button or are at the end point

Every train has it\'s own history
A past that never can be forgotten
A future that is has to go
That makes every train so unique

There are lights in the train
A lot of them
It shines if they are left on in the night
But sometimes it stays dark
Reasons are different
The lights are broken
The lights don\'t turn on
Or you want it to stay off

It can be dangerous if nobody sees the train
Especially for the train itself
Trains are blessings and beautiful to watch
Even in the night
It helps people even if you don\'t think about it
A tool to see the whole world
Without it a lot less
Please let it shine
Move forward to the brighter places and forget the awful places