



I saw her there huddled in the corner

She was alone and she was afraid

Shaking as I approached her

I saw the wound her shoulder displayed


A little tiny black ball of fur

Yet somebody abandoned her to die

For she could not serve their purpose

And they had too many other fish to fry


So we talked mom into keeping her

With many pleases and promises too

She finally conceded to us all

But sternly said, you all know what to do


So we loved her, fed her, as she grew

Into the best dog we ever knew

112 pounds of cuddly Lab in a coat

This was the dog, that we called Hope


About 12 years in she laid down to rest

And never did she rise up from that place

She had loved us well and done her best

This dog had finished her earthly race


We all were touched by the life she lived

She brought to all such a broad scope

So we take a moment her credit to give

In a few words we call Ode To Hope!