
Reflection in the mirror

I\'m laying in my bed,
Depressed and so lonely,
I began to cry,
All I feel like is maybe I\'d be better off if I wasn\'t alive,
My eyes began to close,
Then my thoughts drifted away,
I feel this strange connection,
Everything feels so real and vivid,
A hear a woman\'s voice,
I reach out trying to grab a hold,
I feel my mouth open trying to scream, \"please stay,\"
Out of know where a mirror appears,
And I see my grandmother\'s reflection,
For the first time ever my head and heart felt very lucid,
She looks so beautiful,
She was young and no longer old,
She was wearing a smile of an Angel,
Her hair a fiery  red,
She softly whispered, \"Sherry you hold the weight of the world on your shoulders,\"
You feel like your life is in a giant tangle,
Granddaughter, I\'m telling you to stand tall and raise your head,
Relax you\'ve done all you can,
Your not the one to blame,
For the world turning so dark, lonely and cold,
Move on with your life and LET IT ALL GO! 
And live your life as it is intended,
And then it began to happen,
Everything began to fade,
Til it was completely gone,
I open my eyes and reality awakens,
Should of known, it was only a dream...