
My Island of Peace

Will you join me on my island?

A place where there is no war,

Only peace and love.

A place where all are equal,

And rancour is not allowed.

A place where we all work together

For the good of all,

Not the few.

Where food is abundant,

And we all eat our fill

Of the foods that tempt our palettes,

And hunger is non-existent.

A place where nature is allowed to survive,

And the animals show us the wonder

Of their so valuable lives.

A place of music, art and words

That can create so many emotions within

Our lives of contentment.

A place where death only comes

In contented old age.

Knowing that you have done your best

For everyone around you,

And can leave the island

Knowing that those left behind

Will only talk of you with love and respect.

Will you join me on my island?