
Wicked Heart.

Time has cut out my tongue,

Shattered my teeth,

Cemented pain down my throat,

Callused where life should grow,

Do not tempt me,

There is nothing to say,

Forgiveness will not flourish here,

That suits me well.


You are cold impassable mountains,

You suffocate any rebirth attempting spring,

I once thought you magnificent covered with brilliance,

But it was snow reflecting my light back to me.


You were an avalanche,

Destruction while I was a mere girl,

It takes years to build sight far enough,

To climb the heights of your lies,

To see the horrid fracture of you.


Loving you is as desirable as swallowing ice,

Now the years have given you a daughter,

Would she reject you, if your cruelty were laid bare?

Just another girl in the churn,

I’m thankful I escaped your blizzard,

Others were not so lucky.


I know you look in the mirror,

That you hate what you see,

It\'s okay because the rest of us,
