Samer Amin

\"Hey Master! It hurts so much!\"




Whenever a group of brilliant brains come together to design a long-term deception plot,




the outcomes are always breathtaking.




They usually begin to reflect on the psychological problems they\'ve identified deep inside themselves,




and anticipate the same psychological issues in the souls of the individuals who would be the victims of their plans.




Their strategies are mainly based on a single tactic known as \"the stick and the carrot.\"




Sowing despair in the hearts of those who, on average, have limited horizons.




Simultaneously, create false expectations that cannot be met,




and only allow the naive to go forward in the desired direction.




These favoured courses are designed intentionally to serve the plotter\'s goals,




rather than the true needs of the deceived.




The craft of sowing despair in someone\'s heart is not about belittling his talents or making him feel awful about his circumstances,




 but rather the opposite.




Because continuing to dismiss someone\'s potential or capability may lead to resistance,




and this resistance might lead to self-improvement and eventual self-growth and development.




Therefore, the art of sowing misery and crushing dissatisfaction in the hearts of others,




is mostly based on setting complete unreasonable expectations in their innocent minds.




Just plant this unrealistic expectation into their hearts and let these unreachable trees grow and grow, 




till their branches completely conceal the outer reality from their innocent thinking.




and if they become inquisitive someday and ask you,




\"Hey, master, I\'m totally perplexed and unable to identify the reality.\"




Don\'t be alarmed; simply offer them the greatest advice ever created in this universe.




Just tell them: \"Don\'t be troubled, my darling; you are the one who creates reality, as well as the gods themselves.\"




It wouldn\'t be long before their heads collide with the reality\'s concrete wall.




Then, when they return back to you with a broken heart and a smashed head,




they would lament and say, \"Hey Master! It hurts so much!\"




They are now yours, and you may direct their steps, in any direction, as you see fit.