Ishika Gautam

Lousy Street

Her love which frailed upon,

Under the covers of guilt inborn ,

Her lousy eyes every morning and dawn,

Recalled that one night of her forlorn.


That lousy street of glorious night,

Faded upon with the presence of her sight,

Tall tree with branches in fright,

Gazed at the moon reflecting in her eyesight.


Passed down a love spot in dark,

When a street light shined at a park,

Cupid\'s couple had that strong spark,

 Made her regret love and all of the blade\'s mark.


Wandered this night of dull and fiery,

Her next stop was the same cemetery,

The eerie graves of it made her childhood teary,

But her soul envy the deaths in that cemetery.


Carried on with her pace atleast,

She travelled back with a forlorn feast,

Having no clue if she was a beast,

And finally her hopes completely vanished.