



It’s the smell after a Summer rain

And the feel of the sun on your face

It’s the beauty of a snow covered field

Or the brilliance of the stars in space


It’s the sound of a baby’s laugh

A field of bluebonnets in the Spring

Or the colors of Fall’s magical display

And the sweet song of birds as they sing


It’s the smell of a campfire at night

It’s the feel of the breeze on your skin

Or the smell of a rose in the morning

And the voice of a familiar old friend


It’s the sound of soft babbling Brook

The formation of a flock of geese in flight

Or the majesty of lion in in motion

The vastness of the ocean at night


It’s a nap out in the hammock swing

It’s honey dripping out from the comb

And the dance of the butterflies at play

Or the feeling when you finally get home


It’s life, and it’s all around you every day

You just have to look for it as you go

It’s the places, people, sights, and sounds

And the quite moments where it’ll show