
Shadows of the night ..


Shadows of the night …


She refuses my hand, as we stand, by the car.


Wondering “why?” is a bridge too far.


In silent reproach, I drive, into the fading light.


Hands on the wheel, eyes on the road, I steal a glance as we lance through, the shadows of the night.


Flickering light sweeps her face and reveals, a wonderful thing.


Still driving and striving to find the way, with words unspoken I say “love you …”.


With no conversation, she, in blind reach, strokes my hair and we share, in careless caress, a moment of intimate pleasure.


We push on through, the shadows …


Unable to respond, held captive by bond of road and wheel. Seized by dancing light, I smile at the shadows of the night.


Words not to find, no mask to hide, no light to blind, we reject the shadows of the night.


At journeys end we still say “friend”.


All shadows gone, taking my hand, with no words spoken, she says “love you too …”