A. Unukogbon


To the East was the thick forest,

Where animals played and had their rest,

Where the sun begged to have a dance,

Where hunters stopped to take a glance;


Downwards was northwards,

And there was the river,

Where the goddess dwelt,

So lovely,

Such beauty it’s said has never befalling human eyes,

Her kiss is soft and comes with the wind,

Her scent is mild and hunts your dreams;


Further south is the evil forest,

Where angels dread to dwell,

Adventured into only by the chosen one,

The village Debia;


To the west was the concrete road,

Where children run earnestly to reach the end that makes a bend;


When the moon is full,

We make a camp fire to touch the sky,

The goddess comes out,

And you can see her dancing in the moon,

With such grace and flare,

And we dance with her;


This is Ovwian,

Daughter of a mother,

Home of the goddess.