𝐃 id you ever
𝐈 magine
𝐌 aking love would be
𝐏 leaureable &
𝐋 usting after
𝐄 ach other with be
𝐒 ensational
𝐃 id you ever
𝐈 magine
𝐌 oving your body to
𝐏 leasure someone, making
𝐋 ove all night long
𝐄 very cell in your body
𝐒 izzling with ecstasy
𝐃 id you ever
𝐈 magine
𝐌 aybe someday your
𝐏 arents would
𝐋 augh at your situation
𝐄 xplaining that
𝐒 ex is for grown adults
𝐃 ear Mom & Dad
𝐈 understand
𝐌 aking love is serious
𝐏 lease understand
𝐋 ust is
𝐄 very where and
𝐒 ex brings out my dimples