


Half awake, almost asleep.


The scent of your skin ,alerts my senses.

 My body cries out to yours.

My flesh craves you, my desire enflames you.

You’ve found me,now, I pull you in , fast , and deep.


I dream of you.

Half asleep, almost awake.

You penetrate my darkest wish.

My core pulses , following your lead.

.Obeying your powerful rhythm ,with every Driving ,thrust.

My breath , now a reckless pant.

I try to slow the moment, control this storm,That rages .

 I am powerless against you ,I feel the restless waters,the furious wave ,that’s been Swelling within me.

The tides rising ,rushing me towards the Shores of ecstasy.

Thighs quivering, heart pounding , oh the final wish.

My eyes smile ,your hunger ,no longer contained ,begins to fill me.

We splash like a wave, against the sands of bliss.

We dreamt this .

You of me, me of you ,

This is only ours to keep.

Half awake, now ,sound asleep.