Florin DragoČ™ Minculescu

Nothingness\' s wisdom

The deepest of deepest,

An exultant seeker has touched.

Intoxicated by his own awakening,

He thinks he is the abyss itself.

That honeymoon will pass.

Mind\'s shards will nest his sleep,

And dragons will feast from within.


A clown has stolen the knowledge.

The darkness of his ignorance,

It swears it\'s the void itself. 

Dust flows through his veins.

The frigidity will kill,

Right in The Sun\'s heart,

Him and all those who follow. 


A humble has seen his seeing.

From seeker to discoverer,

From the experience without an experiencer,

He comes back to simply being.

At the gates The Void has whispered him:

\" If you become Me, We couldn\'t enjoy it.

Go back and be We.\"