
Un-timid Timothy

Tune: Doncaster

(\'Put thou thy trust in God\')

2 Timothy 1 v.6-8

St Timothy and St Titus Day: Jan 26.


Paul reminds Timothy

That he stir up gift free

The gift of God, the Spirit who

Abides in us, \'tis true


For Paul said, God has not

Given us as our lot

The spirit of fear, but He be

The Spirit of power, see


And the Spirit of love

Tender as is the dove

And the Spirit of a sound mind

Wisdom in Him we find


This same Spirit, all three

Of these gives us, so be

Power and love and a sound mind

All from His graces kind


Paul says, Not be ashamed

Gospel to share, Christ named

Take part in gospel\'s afflictions

By His power, His sons (and daughters)