
Lima describe how yours truly went Peru zing...

thru truckloads of his personal communiqués broadcast

(methinks quite some years ago) across world wide web,

but now still smarting from selfishness, I feel quite aghast.


Yes practically every word

needs be overwritten with bleep,

nevertheless, an intimation doth arise

regarding me-an utter creep,

whose abominable banality, deplorable effability,

horrible insecurity, miserable notoriety...

impossible mission to expunge

indelible impression wrought upon

kith and kin, their rancor

towards me invariably runs deep.


A veritable desert storm sweeps across psyche

of one humbled wedded wordsmith,

who derived vicarious testosterone laden pleasure

attempting to arouse adventuristic, cathartic, erotic,

gymnastic, idealistic, kinetic, monopolistic,

opportunistic, quixotic, sensualistic,

unproblematic, and wholistic desire.


Upon scrolling thru mine

quite x-rated, sordid outdated

personal classified advertisements

herewith follows mild mannered random sample.


...though in me noggin go wah wick it tee whack
ass i ham bull across mental railroad track
ah bet cha, u probably hit the sack
perhaps after quaffing ample liquor on the rack
perhaps daniels jack
or toke king a drag to ease the frack
king beau wows - whether
yar special prince charming white

or orange is the new black.


poetry n prose trademark tagline
of non rugged Scottish tar tanned Matt
whose seeks emotional covalent bond
with a gentle electronic sparks fur us to align.


I use words to hew as doth an ax
cuz, this man haint wanna

re:sieve any mo\' cracks
hoop ping newt to induce any flax
wassup - u ax well just wanna relax
n enjoy intercourse 2 the max.

\'Though principle balance

accounts compounding interest

to pusillanimous po\' paw
span more\'n one direction set
724 numb bored abode
west o old railroad tracks
don\'t cross less b cum human co slaw.


thus police try knot 2 judge me
though yar mind i might tax
via the following human
healthy (nada hedonistic) nirvana
pardner 2 ride gingerly
as if...among pacman

with his oxygenated yoked yaks.


I lived west about a doze zen
dirty dire strait deeds
done dirt cheap miles
from center city Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania), where tapped kidney git freeze
and saw no email nor any text message
e\'en one replete with scum n sleaze
cuz I wanna u2 to hear

inxs of imagine dragons snorting
on verge to sne...snee...sneez...sneeze

possibly allergic flirting with amorous tease,

whereat rolling in the hay induces wheeze.


I recoil with revulsion absolute zero excuse

touting ignoble, horrible, fallible, execrable...

extramarital misdeeds sabotaging

marital fidelity courtesy

fostering illicit relationships

with veritable females,
who possibly found me feeble poetic antics

docile, juvenile, nonvolatile, ultravirile (ha)

bemused, cajoled, enticed, finagled...

at overtures sporting Casanova wannabe.