
Hope and Dreams

I always had a mother\'s instinct loving kids were my thing,but to have one of my own was my biggest dream.

For years and years I tried to concieve, I even had a doctor tell me it was impossible, and that was hard for me to believe.

So many days so many nights I cried and asked God \"WHY\",  when all I ever wanted was a baby of my own and sing he or she  lullabies.

I even dreamt of my baby girl and remembered exactly how she looked, I told my mom its gonna happen I seen my baby, she was beautiful,my mom said I believe you she wasn\'t even shooked.

Years go by I go to church faithfully cause it\'s the only way I know, the prophets pray over me and said, \" you are fruitful I see you having four\".

More years pass by and I slowly start to lose hope,we tried and I have cried til I can\'t even cope.

I was home alone when I just opened up and talked to God and said \"Lord I accept the fact I can\'t have kids, but I want you to know I still love you\".

I gave God my entire heart that day, the following week I was rushed to the ER after so many tests they come back to say, after checking the bloodwork and doing a ultrasound, ma\'am your five months pregnant! I was shocked didn\'t know what to say.

I couldn\'t believe after all these years that this was true,it took me accepting it in my heart and giving it to God for him to remind me to always have faith, trust, and believe in me because I love you too.

The baby of my dreams was finally here, she was real, she was alive, she was everything to me.

I thank him everyday for my most precious gift I now can sing to her a lullaby, my blessing from God I nicknamed her LaLa...