Audite Degenerem

The Hole

Crawling, depths of depravity
My crater
Leaves depression in this trench
This cavity
Takes me down to hell
Dive head-first in this pigsty mess
Slum shack shame
Punctures, ruptures
Penetrates and perforates
My brain campaign
Free fall speed, back down to the hovel
Violently but quietly, thrown into a hollow
Never ever ending, pretending is the game
As I sit tight, play dead
In this ditch-come-pit
This dump, this dive
This hole through the joint-tip
Drives through the veins like a champagne bullet train
Guaranteed warp speed on the 1G line straight
Blast to your past at phenomenal rates
Back to the future
Aurora Alaska, glistening white-out, faster and faster
Lost to reality, interrogate mortality
Abstract designs will plead infinity
Mind intertwined in-line enshrined
Shackled and locked in the dungeon of the deep
Forgotten how rotten it stinks down at the bottom
Hear them creep
Soon comes sleep