He Meets Us With Mercy In Our Mess
The woman CAUGHT in Adultery: Jesus did not condemn her but He didn’t condone her either... what He did was CHANGE her! She had MESSED Up. Jesus met her with mercy.
The Man At The Pool - needed help, but had become defeated, bitter, and hopeless. He had MISSED OUT. Jesus met him with mercy.
Hanging Without Hope
The Smooth Criminal’s Confession of Faith. He had FINISHED UP, CLOSED OUT. His life was at the end, but He Spoke Up. I deserve this... (I’m a sinner) This man did nothing wrong (He is the Savior) Today when You come into Your kingdom... remember me. Jesus met him with mercy.
Where Mercy Meets Mayhem
Mayhem: crippling, weakening someone’s ability to fight, to do damage! Have you been through situations that crippled a part of you? Your faith, your emotions, your finances, your faith... crippled. Has someone maimed you emotionally, physically, spiritually, so that your ability to fight is seriously weakened? Have you been damaged in any way, in any area?
Perhaps you’ve WALKED OUT. This God crap is a farce!
What does God think about that? How does God respond towards you in that Mayhem?
And Mercy
The Days
Of My Life