

They are all online today

It was so busy this morning

I just could not get through

There was no early warning


Some on international calls

Many domestic ones too

Chinese New Year\'s coming soon

We\'re calling UK to Timbuktu


\"Hello there Mum and Dad

Sorry it\'s so noisy here

Long line waiting their turn

To speak to their family dear


Can\'t go back this year

Borders are closed to birds

We could try to sneak across

But drones are hearing our words


No vaccines yet for us

Some friends got Covid too

Vaccines are given to other animals

Who are cramped in pens so few


Luckily we keep our distance

Except when we\'re online

Bye Mum and Dad, love you

The queue is starting to whine.\"


I saw this scene this morning near my house (the picture is not so clear with my old iphone camera; I can\'t get it the right way up when I transfer from my pc to this site - not sure why.)

(Interstate regulations are now allowing families to cross borders to have a Chinese New Year reunion celebration this year).