

She gave him all the chances,
And tried to make him change his ways
But he was caught up in the anarchy,
latching on to the latest craze.

Why so serious?
Why so mysteriously dark?
With his mischievous grin
That can set a fire from a spark.

No one is laughing now though
As she dances with the devil in disguise
What doesn\'t kill you simply makes you stranger,
The pale moonlight reflects in his eyes.

People get what they deserve
But she did not deserve the pain.
Maybe he was not mad at all,
Just differently sane.

It\'s a funny world we live in
All she tried to do was bring him light
But he showed her who he really was
A monster in the night.

Here\'s the tale of a chaotic romance
And how he finally broke her.
In the world of madness,
Never give your love to a joker.