Td Bills

\"My Reason\"

\"My Real\"

I wish, I wish, I wish...

The world is full of pain, Agony, and bitterness. Some choose to live in made up blissfulness. I\'d rather live the honesty and real feelings instead of made for the outside of falsely homemade lies and omittences. A false look of an unrealistic Ambience of an existence. Imagery of a complete total closet including their darkness and skeletal remains. I\'d rather have the realness of love and pain. I think dealing with, I learn and have much more to gain. Falsely accused assumptions made or by the ignorance of others looking for another to blame. I\'d rather feel all that\'s real. That\'s how we grow and learn how to heal. You can grow from your own experiences feelings in all instances. Still others choose to blame to stay themselves and laugh at your cousin their own hell. With age supposed to have wisdom to follow, but I\'ve learned that too is a hard pill to swallow. I may not have fame or riches, but I do know how to weed out all the wrong bitches. Lying doesn\'t pay, just give them more bullshit to say. Dodge and duck the stupidity they\'ll spray. Misery loves company and Along Comes their problems. I learn to let go and not worry about others. At the end of the day all that I have is me. It\'ll be fine I\'m waiting, just see.