Into bed I crept,
Tired from a great day.
Coffee with friends in the morning,
Lunch with another friend
Followed by a wonderful conversation,
So full of meaning.
I had my dinner and then sat relaxed
Listening to music,
Reading words,
Then to bed I went.
As my head hit the pillow
I went out like a light,
Into a deep, deep sleep.
But then I awoke,
Awoke way before morning.
I had this question in my head
And no matter how I tried
I couldn’t answer it.
I know that I should know the answer
But it just would not come,
The more I thought about it
The more awake I become.
It was so stupid
As the question was not important,
But it just stayed in my head,
I just had to know.
I turned on my ipad and looked,
And there was the answer
I could now relax
And go back to sleep.
It was Ravel’s Bolero
That Torvill and Dean skated to
When they won the ice dance Olympics.
I will never know why that was in my head
And depriving me of sleep,
So very strange.