Alexander Pope III

Remembering things about you , even you forgot

You are a star traveller in the journey of life 

You planned it perfectly  to avoid the strife

But I am still dreaming of hills and waterfall

Remembering things about you , even you forgot


I am happy for you , doing things I failed to do

Swampy road of life could not snatch , what was your due 

But it was not easy for me to be happy without you

Remembering things about you , even you forgot


The road I took, kept sinking low and low

One step was fast , but again hundred steps slow

It is no surprise , you are a success show

Remembering things about you , even you forgot


You knew it all when we were kid

That’s the reason everything so well you did

I don\'t know the reason for the farewell you bid 

Remembering things about you, even you forgot


If I ever asked God something, it was you

But my faithless soul has to lose you  

I prefer to be shot by words said by you

Remembering things about you, even you forgot


You are set to conquer life like a victorious queen

I am still blaming my gene

All I want now is shadow of your sheen

Remembering things about you, even you forgot


I know you have the wisdom of sages

You may pull anyone out of mental cages

That is why your year grow but you never ages

Remembering things about you, even you forgot


You have a magical soul

Your words make me whole

Listening to you , I have refocused my goal

Remembering things about you, even you forgot


Helping humanity is your clear attempt

Every atrocity on weak, you hold in contempt

That’s why your WhatsApp status  is always well meant 

Remembering things about you, even you forgot


You  have reached  the pinnacle of  femininity

I will meet you one day somewhere at infinity

Let my mind be in your vicinity

Remembering things about you, even you forgot


Wanting what belongs to others is  a crime

But i only want  few seconds of your time

Just reminiscing with you old time

Remembering things about you, even you forgot


I see you every time, I see a street swarming in protest

You are also somewhere there to attest

I love to see you saving someone\'s nest 

Remembering things about you, even you forgot


I know you are an artist of change and peace

And your revolutionary spirit will never cease

Let me adore your laughter and loveliness flowing with ease

Remembering things about you, even you forgot