Mr. Not

A strand of grass/Eit grasstrĂ¥

A strand of grass
Can stand so much yet so little

You step on it without a second thought
Yet it raises up

You get frustrated
Knowing you can\'t step on it without it rasing up yet again

You tear up handful after handful of grass strands 
And after a while, you\'re standing in a circle of dirt

Where the strands of grass once stood proudly coloring the garden green
there is now just a brown dirt stain


Eit grasstrå
Tåler ingenting men så mykje

Du tråkkar på det utan of tenke deg om
Likevel reiser det seg opp

Du blir frustrert
Veit at du ikkje kan tråkke det ned utan at det resier seg opp

Du riv ut grastust etter grastust 
Til slutt står du i ein sirkel av jord

Der grasstråa ein gong sto og pynta hagen i grønt
er det no berre eit brunt jordspor