Samer Amin

Lion Taming




The slaves of their irrational beliefs may be seen wandering aimlessly on desolate routes,




clutching the bars of their mental jail.




It appears pretty weird to see someone going down the street,



tightly gripping an iron-barred window in his hands,




as though he is still a prisoner clutching the bars of his barred window in his jail.




This holds so true for anyone who is enslaved by his delusory thoughts.




Illusionary concepts influence how the mind interprets and analyses reality.




That is why, wherever they go, these imaginary iron bars are implemented,




to keep them incarcerated in their mental prison.




Constructing illusory barriers in someone\'s mind is akin to training circus lions.




The lion\'s mentality has been thoroughly altered, 




and it is now completely controlled by his master.




A furious lion that fears his frail trainer,




is analogous to a man going along the street,




 feels he is still in prison and holds an iron window bars with both of his hands.




You may be wondering why some wonderful individuals spend their entire lives in unhealthy relationships.




The bulk of them had been misled by their scheming partners,




who imprisoned their souls by implanting a plethora of erroneous beliefs in their minds.




These false ideas essentially include fictitious deficiencies and suggested shortcomings,




that can leave spouses feeling absolutely powerless in the absence of their dominating partners.




Similarly, threatening partner with abandonment by the abusive spouse is a typical abuse tactic,




which is the same sound that a circus lion trainer makes as he bangs his whip against the ground,




and when the lion demonstrates himself docile enough,




 a tasty piece of flesh will be placed in his mouth,




and whenever the lion ponders why he is humiliating himself by obeying this coach,




outside the cage, someone is always hired to poke the side of the lion with a long iron rod,




 in order to distract the lion\'s train of thoughts away from the actual size of his domineering trainer.