
Fat Cat

The neighbour has a fat cat

He\'s always on our wall

\"Good morning\" I said

His name is Big Warhol


He looks down at me

With disbelief in his eyes

\"It\'s raining cats and dogs

Not a good morning. She lies!\"


\"Caught any mice lately?\"

I asked the lazy fat cat

\"Is she blind or what?

There\'s not a single rat!\"


\"I\'ve cleared my house and hers

Can she not see they\'ve gone?

I\'ve put on so much weight

Been munching since the dawn.\"


\"See you later Wally\" I said

As I went back inside

\"Thank goodness she\'s gone

Leave me in peace\" he sighed


\"What a silly woman

Warhol is my name

She calls me what? Wally?

Shame on her, shame!\"


I read Black and White Cat by AuburnScribbler. My neighbours have a lovely cat. He loves sunbathing on top of the wall. He seems to look at me with disdain as I sweep outside my house every day.