Saxon Crow

Hopeful Days Gone By

I remember when the world stood still
And all the people lost their will
I was to young  to understand what hope was for
Too naive to realise it existed no more
And yet i love this world of grey and green
Where people once dared to dream
When the sunset rust laid the land to rest
When the birds were feathering their family nests
But the truth is harsh to those who ask
stupid questions
Or believe any lie that is sold to them
So here we are older but no wiser 
Where brotherly love has become the miser
And yet the rising glory of the sun shines behind dark clouds 
And I can still breathe in the illusion of freedom 
Perhaps in a once upon a future we can look back on ourselves with pity in our hearts
And dare to forgive those who cursed and enslaved everything that we are 
But for now I reminisce on so long ago
When the boy I was  never knew what hope was for