
Sweat Pea

I was the little girl you wished you had,never had a child of your own I knew at times that made you sad.

You wasn\'t just my aunt but also my friend,you were a part of me til the very end.

Your smile by itself lit up and entire room,  so now when I think of you I smile while looking up at the moon.

The way you took care of your mom you was such a blessing to her,she loved you so much and that\'s for sure.

You had a heart pure of gold wanting to help anyone you can,it costed you your life when you was killed by a man.

You called me all the time and I will never forget that day, the day I was in orientation I couldn\'t answer so I will never know what you had to say.

I was your sweet pea that\'s what you would say,Terria is so pretty and will have a beautiful baby someday.

Alot of people didn\'t understand you because you were different it kept them away,but you were and always was a child of God doing his will until your dying day.

It\'s still hard for me I miss you like crazy I wish I could of been their with you on that night,the night you called out for help on that dreadful night.

But God heard your cry and said it\'s time for you to come home,your work here on earth is done, I\'m with you, your not alone.

You were taken away from us I had revengeful thoughts running through my head,your murderer is still alive and your the one who is dead!

Their will be justice for you my God is whom I trust, for all those involved with covering up your murder will pay,and that is a must...