Charles Edward York

The Price of Time



The price of time costs what we are willing to give away. 

If we live by its measure, then we become its slave, 

Obeying its boundaries and beholden to its margins. 


Nature moves by a slower pace, 

Chaperoned by the Sun 

Open to our companionship 

When we live out every moment 

As precious and temporary, we spend it more wisely.


We accept change as a matter of course, 

Abandon its artificial binds, 

And apportion our actions along the light of day. 

We create more than what we destroy. 


We illuminate with the same energy, 

Our parent star shares freely with us, 

Sparking a flame that if allowed to burn 

Will raise good warmth and an immeasurable fire. 

For what dreams and rest we spend at night 

Will blossom in full when we awake


Copyright © 2014 Charles Edward York

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