


Well, stop reading Katie\'s 

And other\'s \'hot\' poems, says Fido

He always advises me well 


Does he swoon too?

I mean, he usually reads the poems before I do

To check out any \'hotness\' and other stuff

Sometimes I beat him to it

And read the poems first! heehee.


Woof! Woof! Quiet, now Fido!

Though I know you\'re only barking

To help me avoid these swoons

You know I\'m very snow-flakey!


Well, anyway, at least I\'m glad

That some one - or ones - in these poems

Are having fun!

Should I try some slap and tickle?


Which will be best

The slap or the tickle?!

Oh go on, Orchi, Fido says

He\'s in a different mood now - 

Be a dark horse - try both!


Don\'t overdo it though, says Fido

Don\'t search every hour on the hour

For the \'erotic\' genre

It will be too much for you! Heehee.

And mark this one \'18+\' he says

Or I will bark at you too!

And don\'t put this one in the \'hymn-book\'! Oooh!