Anna Colette

Endless Loop of Life

My family is on an endless loop that keeps hitting replay; 

Parents - work, tv, sleep 

Kids - watch youngest, school, watch youngest, sleep

There is no end. 

Our two little groups - kids and parents - 

Are drifting apart more and more each day, 

We are practically on the opposite side of the Atlantic Ocean 

With nothing but awkwardness and silence to fill it

We hardly talk and when we do it\'s strained, 

We pass by each other with little more than a small smile.  

This is not how I imagine a family should be; 

Interacting only to chose what to watch on tv

Barely noticing we all still live together

Hardly wanting to be here with each other - only staying because we have no other place to go. 

Aside from that, 

Everything else is looped just the same; 

School from 8:30am to 3pm

Watching the five year old devil child -

We cannot punish him, the parents would get angry 

And even if we could, he would scream and kick and hit and do anything to get you away - 

And it all leads back to the same thing at the end of the day: 

Laying in bed at night, 

Hoping to fall asleep quick 

But dreading the next day that we know will surely be another part of the loop.