Piyush Sonarikar


My hands trembled with fear,
The decision to put down 
my spectacles had me in tears,
Reality would be distorted 
with its end near,
Polarizing perceptions and 
consequences severe.

I put my spectacles on the table,
Everything was blur instantly,
I could no longer witness the 
prostitution of daughters by 
parents in whorehouses,
I could no longer witness the 
prostitution of God 
by men in shrines,
I drank adversity like it was 
some kind of fine wine.

I’m not a poet anymore,
I’m just a hypocritical swine,
Caged by my thoughts and deaf at times,
The world is blur to me and that’s a crime,
For if it’s more miserable,
I’ll go blind.

Dedicated to all and none,

By Piyush Sonarikar