
Passing Notes

Quieten down, boys and girls,

I would like to introduce,

a new girl to the class,

who would like to produce,

some clarity and justice,

to everyone in attendance,

let’s hope there’s no averting,

when see gives in her evidence.


Say hello to Sue, everyone,

welcome her with open arms,

for she’s that special someone,

who has words, that will calm,

as those who wear those blue coats,

are sure to be expelled,

when our new friend reads her book,

filled with deceit, that will repel.


Invitations were posted,

even though it wasn’t the time,

for everyone was told by them,

stay at home, to save a life,

these pictures tell their story,

of a Dionysian betrayal,

also this clip of Allegra,

who slurs in her portrayal,

some police officers, were bouncers,

no law, just stamp the hands,

of those, the few chancers,

who mutilate the land,

it’s very clear to me,

that they have got to go,

Boris is no longer leading,

he has reaped, what he has sown,

I shall pass my notes to the Met,

who I hope will see it through,

to ensure that this callous clique,

loses it’s power to screw.


Thank you, Sue, for your account,

I hope that we can reset,

that’s if your story doesn’t bounce,

off certain “cronies” at the Met,

who may deface your notes,

in order to make some lends,

to those, who make a scene so gross,

their foul elected friends,

assuring that no change,

makes its fruition,

thus, things will remain deranged,

us, denied our nutrition,

let’s wipe the slate clean,

and take heed on Sue’s notes,

perhaps, the way to make it clear,

is to no longer cast your vote.