
A blot on sheet

Where it emerged 

was a dab 

from a fully loaded cartridge 

living in the family of inks



the pen 

the mightiest sword 

stored the talents of history

Contributing and creating galore of praises 



a rebel 

the blot fell

not being like other in crew

maybe it was born screw 


the blot 

a rebel

wanted to create a new show

for all to bow

it can’t sing the parody

Was it a tragedy ?


spilling through the stylus that hold

while everyone in clan of ink scold

none, understand its cold





and abandoned 

was the lonely blot on score 



it wanted to created a song

it wanted to write a story,that’s long

it wanted to venture the world

to see what beauty it held



the blot decided to be free

to write songs at spree

it shall create a history of its own 

which none of the inks could do, on their own 


the blot 

spilled on the sheet

to be a dandelion on street…..