Samer Amin

Once You Leave




The blank inanimate walls of expressionless solitude,




are more rewarding than seeing your haughty visage with its condescending sardonic scowl.




Hearing the echo of dead silence stroking the walls of an empty room,




is preferable to hearing your shrill ranting,




which always makes me feel that this world is not a pleasant place to live in.




It could be wiser to speak to the seemingly lifeless furniture rather than your inattentive ears.




While venting to indifferent ears may be benign,




the ever-present opponent, ready to attack,




whenever a conversation reveals any exploitable weak points,




is the most repulsive thing that has ever existed on this planet.




The cold chill of the night is warmer than your icy shoulders,




which look like the frozen mountaintops in gale-force winds,




especially if a mountaineer is stranded and has to flee high winds for his own survival.




Asking for your support in the midst of a crisis,




is akin to avoiding hot weather by plunging into a roaring fire,




or the awful sequences of sipping bitter salty sea water to quench someone\'s thirst.




The sizzling hellish electromagnetic waves emitted by your agitated spirit,




are capable of causing unrest and chaos in practically every tranquil spot on this planet.




Because of your presence, inexplicable hostility arises between me and myself,




as well as between everything in the house.




When you go, the unspeakable serene tranquillity finds its way back into my spirit, 




and I, as well as all animate and inanimate objects in the house,




rejoice at the reappearance of the peacemaker, the heavenly light