
Stop Falling in Love So Easily!

Like the “word of god”, with love,

we have mangled it’s design,

as Romeos and Juliets blub,

to ask their questions, why?


Perhaps, a dose of peer pressure,

is the reason, why they’re paired,

to ruin the pureness of treasure,

that they continue to despair,

brash boasting you will see,

when they’re out and about,

he shows his abs, she; her booty,

which always leads to a bout,

you know the ones, like Ibiza,

where obsessive ownership is played,

the story of “Chad” and “Lisa”,

who do not know how to behave,   

the result, a rushed marriage,

and children, they did not want,

such a wasted wedding carriage,

with tainted water in the font.


Or perhaps, the outcome is an app,

where they like to do their swiping,

Simon says, “girls, sit on my lap

for I’ve got something enticing!”

Thus, greedy girls, start their chats,

with snakes in tall grasses,

forgetting sense, to become mentally flat,

as they continue to shake their asses,

therefore, “stability” is the game,

love is not about finding people,

such absurdity, is rich and fame,

let’s hope for a better sequel,

where these two headed beasts,

will not redefine things again,

for let there be some true feasts,

but, for now, love is truly pain.


So, before you; make a romantic plan,

I implore you, don’t make it queasy,

too many forced errors, comprise the land,

so, stop falling in love so easily!