
Awesome Associations

Tune: All Saints

(\'Let us sing and love and wonder\'

OR \'Who are these like stars appearing?\')

Psalm 66 v.1-8


Make joyful noise to God, all lands

Sing and praise and clap your hands

Tell the honour of His name, make

His praise glorious for His sake

Say to God, How awesome* are

You in your works! reaching far


Through the greatness of your power

Shall your enemies each  hour

Submit themselves unto you, say

You are Lord and King today

All the earth shall worship you

Shall sing songs to you, \'tis true


They shall sing unto your name, so

Come, see the works of God, know

He is awesome in His doings

To mankind, tributes Him bring

He turned [Red] sea into dry land

They were kept safe by His hand


For they passed through there, the ground dry

They did sense His presence night

And rejoiced, for He does rule by

His power, none can deny

He rules ever, Him do bless

With voice of praise Him confess


* \'awesome\' in traditional Bible versions is

in an older meaning of \'terrible\'.