
The Street Sweeper

He comes from foreign lands

To make his fortune here

But little did he know

He had much more to fear


From men that he believed

Would help him on his way

They took all that he owned

No money or place to stay


A kind Samaritan

Found him in tears one day

Called all the friends he knew

For jobs that they would pay


And now he sweeps the streets

Every day around our place

His head is held up high

A smile upon his face


It\'s Chinese New Year time

He wears a bright new jacket

All the residents here

Give him a full red packet


I see him as I walk

For my papers up the street

We smile and wave together

\"Good morning\" we both greet.


Foreign workers were tricked by unscrupulous men when they left their homes and families to earn a better income in other countries including here. Our street sweeper was lucky to have met a kind gentleman who was able to help him. Others are not so fortunate.