
My City

My city is full of hopes and dreams...

Rising underdogs and fading stars.

Racing through the grandness of possibility...

With the struggles and narrowness of humanity.



My city is concrete jungle with never ending tall towers...

Looming over dilapidated shambles.

Trains rattling through its heartland...

Mix of adrenaline rush and stink of sweat.



My city is surrounded by black rivers and ocean...

Roof covered with blue tarpaulin cushion.

Dark alleys of intoxication and torture... 

It\'s the other side of glitter and glamour.



My city boasts of charm and serendipity...

Not all desires are loss and gloomy.

Glimpses of stories with fresh air..

This city is always yearning for care. 



My city where abundance and poverty strive...

Holding hands to breathe and survive.

Always awake to shoulder battered souls...

Through the worldly and godly cause.