
Reflection of an illusion

Everything I know is wrong

My limited vision

My misguided beliefs

My prejudiced point of view

My exaggerated sense of power

My empty purpose

There are no facts

The only anchor, my feelings

What are emotions?

Tied to time

They are waves of the moment

Tides of the day

They come and go

Rise and fall

Push and pull

Covering one’s surface

They dive to the foundation of the soul

Distorting the image of all that’s under them

Moving and molding what they touch

That undulating liquid

That constantly changes shape

Difficult to hold

Although necessary for life

It can also take it

But then life itself is not only a mystery

But an illusion

A dream

An extension of consciousness

And what is that

All that I am

Or rather all that exists

A storm built of innumerable forces

Seen only in part

An atom in the engine of the universe

Too small to detect

By definition

Joined in synchrony with every other part

But alone, solitary, isolated

Once again everything and nothing

In this form

A glimmer in the night

Creation’s transitory spark

Here then gone


A mere reflection of an illusion