


is it possible to fall in love? 
perhaps, if you try hard enough, said i.
i wouldn\'t say it comes \'naturally\', as such.
though, if you try hard enough, it might just.

is it really possible to fall in love?
undoubtedly, said he.
our society is built off love, my dear.
what else could fulfil our souls?

should i fall in love?
no, said she.
why do you think it\'s called \'falling in love\'?
simply because it\'s a downfall, one you shouldn\'t have to endure.

what if i want to fall in love?
then pity be upon you, fool.
there isn\'t a flicker of \'love\' in this world.
but please, go ahead, my dear.
perhaps then you can have your unhappy ever after.
i await eagerly for your note
exclaiming how you found your love hanging from the rafters, 
rope tight around its sodden throat.