Gary Edward Geraci

Mystical Melancholy


Is there really beauty to be found deep within?

I don’t know, it seems I carry a cursed demeanor

marred and disfigured by the pride of many sins!


Oh what loveliness lies to be mined from my soul?

To what depth must the auger drill? I’m afraid it’s bottomless…

I’ve now plumbed it into the abyss.


What about the effort?

the persistence in trying to right all of those wrongs?

the genuine chasing of repentance?


the offering of reparations has varied and as imaginative as a rock strewn surface?

Is this beautiful?

Is this finally something truthful?


What will my God think of it when we finally meet face-to-face?

Isn’t it perfectly human to worry that it won’t be enough?

And I let this steal my joy!?


Gary Edward Geraci