Alexander Pope III


Never go to mountain
With worries or hurt in your brain
You will be lost like never before
I can tell you this for sure

last year fevrier , I went to mountain
It was very difficult terrain
A dejected man went up
And a happy man came down

Glacier burst took me to la montagne
Many people perished in that  
That was some night
When I started scaling the height

My car was going high and high
Some part of me just wanted to die
I still don’t know why
Mind was also asking to try

After travelling for 16 hours I stopped
In front of a Mountain range
Which was really strange
Some peak black , some white , some orange

Then Mountains started asking questions
Like why you are here in the first place
With hurt and anger in your mind palace
Questions were difficult , but spirit of a belle femme gave me solace

Next day I ran on the hill
To search for the thrill
It was a magical sight
Sun rising and tossing milky light

Same afternoon Mountain arrested my soul
On the suspicion that it never had any goal
la montagne put my soul on trial
my soul was in total denial

It was a strange sight
I was working day and night
But Mountains were hurting me
Sometimes in day sometimes in night

They were asking my soul to connect
I called all my contact
But I failed
And my soul was jailed

Without soul , my brain was burning
And to every cliff I was turning
To have a last fall
From something so tall

One night I spent the night awake in snow
Waiting for miracle to show
And next morning I could see most beautiful sight
Snowy peaks smiling bright

I could listen spirit of belle femme talking to mountains
And laughing with her , they allowed the rains
And freed my soul with a condition
That I should love  without inhibition

‘O’ my well wishers I had to change
To meet this condition , which was strange
Hope you will believe my story
Or forget the above account as unsavoury