
What is love

As we spread the Gospel through every nation,

As believers of Christ Jesus,we are all a congregation.

One family spreading the Word,

Fighting off evil with His Holy sword.

His life was laid down for our sins,

For Him, I would walk through the lion\'s den.

For our Salvation , Christ paid the price,

Even though He knew that Peter would deny Him thrice.

We are selfish and sinners,we don\'t deserve God\'s love,

But He loves so much He gave His only begotten son,so that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish,but have everlasting life.

To me that is love,the love of our maker,the love of God.

He gave us His son, Jesus Christ,to pay for our sins,so that we can be with Him in the Heavenly Kingdom

That my brothers and sisters is LOVE